In order to use a design you must have the full rights to it. If you are unsure or have any doubts, please confirm your ownership or seek permission from the copyright owner.
When you save a design, you are agreeing to the following terms:
The uploaded image was resized to meet the 25 megapixel limit for raster images. The image may appear to be smaller than intended. You can avoid the raster size limit by uploading artwork in vector format when possible.
You will be redirected to a page where you can request a quote for this blank product. Any decorations you have added to this product will be removed.
Products | Qty | Price | |
Total | $0.00 |
You have already used screen printing in this order. To avoid additional screen costs you can re-use an existing screen print design for this product.
Your layout contains images that have been resized to the point where they may appear blurred.
Your layout contains images that appear outside the design area.
You cannot save the product until you have moved the images within the design area.
Your layout contains images that appear outside the design area.
Your layout contains overlapping images.
You cannot save the product until you have moved the images so they are not overlapping.
Blank product purchase is not allowed
You will not be able to purchase this product until you add a decoration design.
Inactive blank product in use
Minimum quantity requirements not met
You will not be able to purchase this item until you have increased the quantity.
Screen(s) still updating...
You will not be able to purchase this item until all re-used screens have been updated.
Your layout contains images that have been resized to meet the 25 megapixel limit for raster images and they may appear smaller than intended. You can avoid the raster size limit by uploading artwork in vector format when possible.
By clicking OK, you are agreeing to accept the final product regardless of image quality. Click Cancel if you want to go back and fix the images.
Welcome to the Online Designer!
Getting The Best Print
To get the best print use high quality artwork and images that aren't blurry when you zoom in. A 300dpi png file at 350mm wide is the best option but you can upload a jpg, gif, ai or pdf too. If you're uploading a vector file or PDF please ensure it is in RGB format.
Transparencies, Edge Glow & Shadows
Please note that transparent, semi-transparent and glow effects do not print well and should be made as solid colours to avoid any halo issues.
Print Colours
Digital printing is fantastic but its not possible to get the same level of colour brightness on fabric as it is on a backlit computer screen or a smooth piece of paper. Print colours may also look different on different garments, even if the garments are the same colour. Please also keep in mind that we cannot match Pantone colours with digital printing but we usually get pretty close.
Garment Sizing & Product Info
Please remember to check the garment size chart before you complete your order. Garments vary in size and fit and we want you to be happy! You can find out more about the fit and size by clicking the Product Info link.
Garment Colours
While all efforts have been taken to ensure garments appear true to their colour, there may be a slight variance due to camera flash, room lighting or even your computer screen. If garment colour is crucial please contact us to purchase a sample.
FREE Background Removal
Yep, free! Just click the Remove Background button and we'll remove the solid colour background from your image for you. If you require the background removed from a photo or complex image please request this in the note section at checkout.
If you get stuck feel free to email us at or call/text us on 0488 849 336 and we'll walk you through it!
Time to get creative, happy designing!
You will be adding a decoration to the Front of the AS COLOUR WOs Upside Tank.